Uplifting Deals

Policies & Forms


  • You do not need to have a sales tax ID to purchase from us, but it is better if you do. If we do not have on ID on file for you, your purchases will be subject to a 7% North Carolina state sales tax. Resellers and retailers with a state issued sales tax ID may purchase from us tax exempt. To expedite the process, we recommend printing this form below in advance and bringing it with you for your first visit.
  • Download E-595E Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement Certificate of Exemption

  • We accept cash and all major credit and debit cards. Purchases made with cards are subject to a 3% surcharge to cover the processing fees that we are charged.​
  • Any prices posted or quoted are “bare” prices and may be subject to either of the above surcharges.
  • We reserve the right to impose minimum purchase requirements. As a rule of thumb we require a minimum purchase of $300 or 1 pallet to qualify for wholesale pricing.
  • We will hold product temporarily upon receipt of full payment.